This article describes how you can make a virtual COM port that is connected to a NR500 router over the AT over IP function. First, you must install the AT over IP application, please write to support...
1. Speichern der VSPE config so wie sie funkioniert an einem Ort ab, wo sie erhalten bleibt, z.B. unter C:\Users\Administrator\Documents. [img src="
There are different solutions for Uports trying to tackle this problem. For the Uport 11xx family, when you install the driver there is a separate tool install to your system where you can save an def...
- Windows Driver Manager This Software is usable for a wider product range than the Administrator, it can open COM Ports for example for NPort, UPort, Oncell device etc. But it is limited in that it ...
JSON PARSE MIT IX Mittels der im Web auffindbaren Bibliothek Newtonsoft.JSON kann in iX-Panels komfortabel JSON-Objekte seriallisiert/deserialisiert werden. Dazu sind aber ein paar Punke zu beachten:...
The following diagram shows the recommended distance when using RS-232/422/485. [img src="" width="500" height="191"] ...
Windows: IP Serial Library, included in the Nport Administrator. Linux: For TCP mode, the IP Serial library is not suitable. There is also no directly available library for that for Nport 5000 seri...
Moxa stellt zwei Tools fuer die Windows Treiber-Installation zur Verfuegung. 1. NPort Administrator Suite Tool zur Konfiguration & Adminstration des NPort, Treiber Installation (RealCOM -> virtual C...
Problem: I tried to install the MGate manager 1.15. After the installation the error message Fail to start ProCOM (mgdrv service) came up, but I need the function ProCOM, can you help me here? OS Win...